Guidance that helps companies communicate their ESG narrative, including strategy, governance, risks, opportunities, and performance, in a well-structured and comparable manner.
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A review of how companies communicate to investors on sustainability factors and their alignment of these with key value drivers of their business.
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A review of how companies are (and are not) communicating directly to investors about their exposure to and management of issues related to nature & biodiversity
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This report explores what value this information has for investors, what could make it more reliable and what role assurance can play in increasing confidence in it.
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This report explores how ESG considerations are shaping the actions of companies - in particular the actions of CFOs and finance teams in response to shifts in the capital markets. It sets out a blueprint for effectively navigating and thriving in this environment by highlighting four areas that will be critical for CFOs and finance functions to prioritise.
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Issuers have begun experimenting with methods of building elements of ESG/SRI-type disclosures into earnings call content. A first step is to include greater ESG/SRI themes in call content.
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This guide sets out a simple set of questions and steps that give companies a simple, clear and practical way of optimizing confidence in externally reported ESG information.
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Database that enables companies to look up the how they (and a selection of their peers) are rated by Sustainalytics
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A searchable database of the ESG ratings assigned to companies by MSCI ESG Research
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A half-day course that teaches participants how to respond to the growing interest of institutional investors in the sustainability performance and corporate governance practices of quoted companies.
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A management tool for strategy setting
As part of its approach to holistic management, Novartis has designed a comprehensive “Materiality Assessment (MA) Toolkit” to identify topics and capture insights that are relevant for strategy-setting, steering and reporting.
Novartis now makes this toolkit available to all interested companies as an open-source project to support inclusive and holistic management worldwide.
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SRI-CONNECT maintains a calendar of major events in SRI & Corporate Governance. This will help companies to identify events at which they can learn about current developments in sustainable investment. It will also help them to schedule their own investor outreach.
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Companies are starting to incorporate highlights of their CSR/sustainability reports in their proxy statements. This brief guide provides a broad range of examples.
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This 'tear sheet' from WBCSD guides investors relations officers on how to host effective sustainable investor roadshows and capital markets days and showcases Mercedes-Benz Group's recent sustainability-focused Capital Markets Day.
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This 'tear sheet' from WBCSD guides investors relations officers about (sustainable) investor information needs and uses, how to develop a sustainable equity story and how to focus on key metrics. It features a case study on business transformation communications at PMI.
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The IRRI Survey is the annual survey of the sustainable investment value chain and has documented sustainable investor communications practices over the past six years.
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Companies can consult this listing for information on which of their investors have taken one of the first public steps in sustainable investment - by signing the Principles for Responsible Investment.
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In light of the COVID crisis, investors are re-examining how to measure companies’ sustainability performance. This article is based on research and conversations with investors, ESG and pharma industry experts.
Companies will need to continuously monitor changes in ESG rating frameworks and shifts in investors’ expectations. Although developments spurred by the pandemic are highly dynamic, we have ventured to take a brief snapshot of the trends that seem most significant for the pharmaceutical industry. This article outlines the main trends to watch post-COVID.
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This article includes a discussion of coronavirus related factors that may influence a company's 'materiality matrix'
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Archive of MSCI ESG's reseach reports which provide useful context for any engagement with MSCI ESG analysts.
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100% subsidised investor targeting and 'roadshow' organisation for companies that are exposed to the 'food & fibre transition'
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On-demand webinar that discusses how companies can create a consistent ESG message across different corporate websites, news releases, regulatory filings, video events and social media posts.
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The Reporting Exchange is a tool for people involved in preparing and delivering corporate sustainability, annual or integrated reports to help them navigate the often confusing world of corporate reporting.
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News & comment website featuring interviews, profiles and comment from regulators, standard-setters, asset owners, investment managers, NGOs, governments, scientists and other ESG experts.
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