Strategy & planningFAQs

Why can't we just talk to the ESG ratings analyst that covers us - like we do with sell-side brokers?

IROs who are used to communicating directly with sell-side analysts are often surprised that SRI analysts (from ESG ratings agencies) do not appear to respond to similar approaches. In reality, some SRI/ESG analysts from research providers really welcome direct dialogue with companies while others fend it off.

Why can't we just talk to the ESG ratings analyst that covers us - like we do with sell-side brokers?


One reason given for analysts' reluctance to engage directly with companies is that it would compromise their independence. We do not think this argument is credible. There are plenty of ways of ensuring independence that also allow for direct contact.
We suspect that 'the cost of contact' is a more significant reason - whereby it is cheaper for research firms to send questionnaires and use bots to scrape websites automatically into templates than it is to commit analysts to in-depth engagement.
Perhaps most significantly, ESG analysts do not ask for direct conversations with companies because these are never offered - hence, in a vicious circle, they are never asked for.
In our opinion, companies should always reach out and seek direct dialogue with the companies that cover them as this typically leads to a much better understanding of the company by the analyst.